France Visa


  1. Fill the online application form
  2. Book an appointment online
  3. Hotel Booking
  4. Ticket Reservation
  5. Employment letter attested by chamber of commerce
  6. Personal Letter stating the reasons for the visit and assuring your return to the country you reside in. Here’s a reference for a personal letter.
  7. Travel Insurance
  8. Iqama Copy
  9. Passport Copy
  10. Copy of previous Schengen visa.
  11. Bank Statement in English for the past 4 months
  12. Copy of Employment Contract


  • Appointment Fee:  115
  • Visa Processing Fee: 251

Processing Time: 7 to 10 Days


Personal Experience: I applied for a multiple entry visa and received 3 months of multiple entries. This is my second time to be granted a Schengen Visa.